Friday, 12 April 2013

So in this post I will show you some interesting or gaming application listing in 3d android apps 2013, not only for iPhone or Samsung galaxy, but you can download it HTC or other smart phone devices. Buyer does not want to get any boring apps, and waste their money or time. But the trouble is there are more than few remarkable Android games apps, and customer only wants to get one best among all.

Best IOS and Android 3D Apps 2013

Here are few 3d apps, that is very much popular in iPhone, iPad, Samsung or other android smart phone. Check out one by one. And also review some best kinect sports games for kids.

Angry Birds android Apps

Both part of angry birds hit hard on android market and Google play store, both versions due to puzzle theme is the top selling or downloadable brand, over 6.5 million user download this angry bird application on their various phones. If you still looking better than this than review more android apps below.

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Gamers called angry bird is an addictive and challenging apps, every time you done something different via throwing birds to the buildings at various angles.


Foursquare are very popular android apps, although this software run according to Google map, if you want you connect this apps with satellite for more accurate visualize than you must pay for this.

Samsung ChatOn

The best apps for Samsung galaxy mobiles, if you want some fun with messaging and chatting, than don’t need to go for yahoo or Skype, Samsung ChatOn is amazing apps with so many features. You can share any image, or video and also touch with social media like face book or twitter. Review some best hd android games.

Gem Miner

Very exciting game for all android mobiles phone, Gem with his machine finds some thing in the ground after digging. Gem must find some raw materials, or different items for complete the level. More you find special things more you get digging power or enhance gem life.

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Alchemy Classic

This scientific apps for kids or for students, listed in education iPhone or Samsung galaxy application. You just give accurate answer of chemical mixtures of materials like Fire+water=Alcohol. Alchemy Classic includes hundreds of puzzled or brain test questions.

There are many other 3d Android Games Apps 2012 for iPhone or Samsung galaxy, just review more pots like that.


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